A dedicated IP is an internet protocol (IP) address which is unique to your website. No other websites or accounts use your dedicated IP address.
When someone visits your website and your website is using a dedicated IP address, the server does not have to spend time finding the right website since the dedicated IP is specific to your website, allowing for a faster load time.
Sometimes, it is quite necessary to check how the website is going to look before pointing the domain name to the server and launching your website on the web. A dedicated IP address will provide with the ability to access the server directly without changing DNS settings for the domain name.
Businesses sending large quantities of email may benefit from having a dedicated IP, since it can be whitelisted with more confidence.
If you are going to host your own online store or other ecommerce related website, and you are not going to use additional third-party services for handling payments, it is quite necessary to grab a Dedicated IP address and an SSL certificate for the website in order to provide security for your customers' data.
Sometimes, a particular application or script that you may wish to run on your server requires a dedicated IP address.
Yes, we provide one dedicated IP address on each shared hosting plans.
No, we don't provide any Money Back Guarantee associated with Dedicated IP.